Fire Your Lawyer
Reasonable expectations
Preparing documents
Filing Documents
Filing Fee waivers
Registry staff
Legal Terms
Examples Documents
Retainer Fraud
Lawyers Attcks
Legal Concepts
Originating Motions
Judicial Ethics
Rules of Courts

Welcome graphic

Fire Your Lawyer is a self-help organization of self represented litigants in the Canadian courts who voluntarily assist each other fight the oppression and exploitation of the Canadians by the members of the Canadian Bar. Member of FYL group is set up to help our members.


Our Mission:

  • To assist Canadians be able to protect their rights from being violated by the legal community of Canada, and the judges of Canadian courts.

  • To insure reduction in the corruption or illegality within the Federal Government and the Provincial Governments by finding ways to hold the public servants accountable, fair and act in compliance with the Charter and the constituting statutes.

  • To insure that rights to access the Canadian Courts is not limited to the corporations and those charged with serious offences only as is presently the case.

  • To insure that rights of Canadians are not denied to them by the unaffordable and inaccessible Canadian justice system and the Canadian Bar which is essentially devoid of all ethics and human values.

  • To minimize the harm the Canadian justice system and the Canadian Bar is able to inflict upon the Canadian public and the ability of the police services of Canada to abuse their authorities.

Canadians helping other Canadians protect their civil rights and freedoms.

Becoming a Member

To become a contributing FYL member you need to be approved upon applying. As a member of the public to gain from the information posted on this website, free of charge, you need not become a member.

Fireyourlawyer yahoogroup

Documents outlining the lawyer misconduct

People shouting at the world over megaphones; Size=240 pixels wide

Organization News

Let us eradicate the exploitation of the public by the corrupt Canadian legal community.



We are not designed to nor permitted by law to give legal advice. We can not and will not answer any emails asking us specific legal advice as to their own case that they are bringing before the court or are defending. We cannot and will not answer queries that deal with specific circumstances of a given litigant.


We can only give general information that the public is entitled to know from various sources and can refer you to those sources. Given that our mandate is to make you self-sufficient, we would not be able to advise you to seek professional legal advice either. We will however do our best to assist you by referring you to sources of credible legal information and help you educate yourself in law that would help Canadian self-represent effectively and hopefully defeat the lawyers in their goal to deny justice to the members of public. Needless to say we are not responsible for any harm that might flow to you through use of the information provided and the decision to act in person instead of retaining a lawyer. We assume that you have already decided not to use the services of a lawyer but are determined to act in person.

Questions or comments? Get in touch with us at:

Mailing Address:

Phone: 250-390-9249